BK 12 (Jun 4, 2019): Healing Earth: An Ecologist's Journey of Innovation and Environmental Stewardship
Hi Everyone...
Our Jun 4th meeting we will discuss Healing Earth: An Ecologist's Journey of Innovation and Environmental Stewardship by John Todd (Jan 29, 2019).
With 169 reading pages it is approximately 6 pages a day.
Check out the Bio & Videos below...
"A true pioneer and respected elder in ecological recovery and sustainability shares effective solutions he has designed and implemented.
A stand-out from the sea of despairing messages about climate change, well-known sustainability elder John Todd, who has taught, mentored, and inspired such well-known names in the field as Janine Benyus, Bill McKibben, and Paul Hawken, chronicles the different ecological interventions he has created over the course of his career. Each chapter offers a workable engineering solution to an existing environmental problem: healing the aftermath of mountain-top removal and valley-fill coal mining in Appalachia, using windmills and injections of bacteria to restore the health of a polluted New England pond, working with community members in a South African village to protect an important river. A mix of both success stories and concrete suggestions for solutions to tackle as yet unresolved issues, Todd's narrative provides an important addition to the conversation about specific ways we can address the planetary crisis. Eighty-five color photos and images illustrate Todd's concepts. This is a refreshingly hopeful, proactive book and also a personal story that covers a known practitioner's groundbreaking career."
ESS Lecture Sept 19 2019: Healing Earth - An Ecologist’s Journey of Innovation and Stewardship from Dal's College of Sustainability on Vimeo.
What we discussed at the meeting...
* Waste Treatment
* Loved the color pictures of what they did.
* MA...civil engineers only waste treatment facility
* 13 Guiding Principles
* Microcosm, Mesocosm & Macrocosm
* Seagrass
* Dredging
* Ecology Cell 1 (p 35), Cell 2 (p 36), Cell 3 (p 37), Cell 4 (p 38)
* Food Growing Eco-machines (p 40)
* 50% of Global Photosynthetic carbon fixation done in Aquatic Environments
* Fertilizers, Pesticides, Fungicides, Herbicides
* England's soil problem
* Mycorrhiza
* Glomalin
* Mistakes made trying to clean polluted water
* How to mitigate excessive blooms of algae
* Floating Eco-Machines (p 49)
* Coral Reefs
* Restoring Rivers (p 56) & Streams (Africa p 59)
* Flax Pond Restorer (p 65)
* The Restorer (p 66)
* Bryozoan (p 67)
* Eelgrasses and what they sustain (p 73-75)
* Home-Scale Shrimp Aquaculture Eco-Machine (p 76)
* China Restorer (p 81)
* Mooring Restorer (p 86)
* Toxic blue-green algae (Cyanobacteria)
* Dinoflagellates
* Ocean Pickup (p 92-93; 96-98; 100-102)
* BP Deepwater Horizon disaster
* Ocean Restorer (p 116, 118-119)
* Treatment system (p 129-131)
* South African Eco-Machine (p 134-135)
* Mining in Tennessee destroying forest
* Biochar (p 147-148)
* Seven Successional Stages to Regeneration (p 150)
* Biomimicry
* Geodesic Dome (p 160, 162-166)
Our Jun 4th meeting we will discuss Healing Earth: An Ecologist's Journey of Innovation and Environmental Stewardship by John Todd (Jan 29, 2019).
With 169 reading pages it is approximately 6 pages a day.
Check out the Bio & Videos below...
"A true pioneer and respected elder in ecological recovery and sustainability shares effective solutions he has designed and implemented.
A stand-out from the sea of despairing messages about climate change, well-known sustainability elder John Todd, who has taught, mentored, and inspired such well-known names in the field as Janine Benyus, Bill McKibben, and Paul Hawken, chronicles the different ecological interventions he has created over the course of his career. Each chapter offers a workable engineering solution to an existing environmental problem: healing the aftermath of mountain-top removal and valley-fill coal mining in Appalachia, using windmills and injections of bacteria to restore the health of a polluted New England pond, working with community members in a South African village to protect an important river. A mix of both success stories and concrete suggestions for solutions to tackle as yet unresolved issues, Todd's narrative provides an important addition to the conversation about specific ways we can address the planetary crisis. Eighty-five color photos and images illustrate Todd's concepts. This is a refreshingly hopeful, proactive book and also a personal story that covers a known practitioner's groundbreaking career."
What we discussed at the meeting...
* Waste Treatment
* Loved the color pictures of what they did.
* MA...civil engineers only waste treatment facility
* 13 Guiding Principles
* Microcosm, Mesocosm & Macrocosm
* Seagrass
* Dredging
* Ecology Cell 1 (p 35), Cell 2 (p 36), Cell 3 (p 37), Cell 4 (p 38)
* Food Growing Eco-machines (p 40)
* 50% of Global Photosynthetic carbon fixation done in Aquatic Environments
* Fertilizers, Pesticides, Fungicides, Herbicides
* England's soil problem
* Mycorrhiza
* Glomalin
* Mistakes made trying to clean polluted water
* How to mitigate excessive blooms of algae
* Floating Eco-Machines (p 49)
* Coral Reefs
* Restoring Rivers (p 56) & Streams (Africa p 59)
* Flax Pond Restorer (p 65)
* The Restorer (p 66)
* Bryozoan (p 67)
* Eelgrasses and what they sustain (p 73-75)
* Home-Scale Shrimp Aquaculture Eco-Machine (p 76)
* China Restorer (p 81)
* Mooring Restorer (p 86)
* Toxic blue-green algae (Cyanobacteria)
* Dinoflagellates
* Ocean Pickup (p 92-93; 96-98; 100-102)
* BP Deepwater Horizon disaster
* Ocean Restorer (p 116, 118-119)
* Treatment system (p 129-131)
* South African Eco-Machine (p 134-135)
* Mining in Tennessee destroying forest
* Biochar (p 147-148)
* Seven Successional Stages to Regeneration (p 150)
* Biomimicry
* Geodesic Dome (p 160, 162-166)
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